Building Silent Activation and Improved Location Accuracy Into the Current 911 System
Engineered and presented a novel method to contact emergency services if victim is under duress or otherwise unable to talk on the phone. Especially useful in situations such as kidnappings, domestic violence, etc. Project presented at ISEF 2022 in Atlanta, GA and received $5000 award from Oracle Academy for outstanding project in Systems Software.
Skills: Swift, MySQL, PHP, System Integration, Linux, and Public Speaking
Worldwide Coronavirus Statistics

During the COVID pandemic, I wrote a live-updating global coronavirus tracker website at
The back end data processing is written using Python using the pandas library, which normalizes data from different sources into CSV files for different regions. It also decides which data source should be treated as authoritative for each region.
An application written with the Express.js framework ingests the CSV files that the Python script outputs and converts them into nice looking graphs using HTML, CSS, and JS. Graphs are generated using the d3.js library, and every component is scalable and Dockerized.
At its peak, the website garnered over 500 unique visitors per day. This presented code efficiency and reliability issues, which I was able to solve by leveraging the nginx web server to cache pages for a short period.
Computing resources for this project were generously donated by DigitalOcean.
Skills: Python, pandas, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Data Processing, Linux, nginx